9 Tips to Avoid Packing on the Pounds This Holiday Season

9 Tips to Avoid Packing on the Pounds This Holiday Season

From Thanksgiving—or even Halloween for some folks—through New Year’s—most of us tend to eat, drink, and be merry. Unfortunately, that can lead to unwanted weight gain. Extra weight can be uncomfortable at best and bad for your health at worst. 

At Macomb Medical Center, we offer medical weight management. If you’re working to lose weight and struggling, our staff of expert providers may be able to help. Regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight, you probably don’t want to gain weight as you enjoy family, friends, and all the tasty food that comes with the holiday season. 

The following tips can help you avoid packing on the pounds this year. 

1. Stay active

Don’t skip your exercise routine, or if you must, try to add in a brisk walk. Staying active and even adding 15 minutes to your usual workout is a great way to burn off any extra calories you may have consumed at the office holiday party. 

2. De-stress

For many people, the “fun” of the holidays can quickly become anxiety and stress. There are so many events and considerations it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Stress can cause cravings for carb-heavy foods that aren’t exactly good for you. Exercise relieves stress, and it’s essential to get enough sleep and schedule time for yourself amid the hustle and bustle. 

3. Pile on the veggies

To maintain a good nutritional foundation, fill your plate with fruits and veggies. Aim for seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Rich in fiber and low in calories, fruits and vegetables help you fill up, so there’s less room for the less healthy holiday treats. 

4. Eat before the party

Try to eat at least a protein- or fiber-rich snack before attending that holiday bash. Yogurt or an apple is a good choice. Having a healthy snack will help you indulge in fewer treats. 

5. Watch your portions

Grazing along the snack table makes it difficult to keep an eye on your portions. Opt for a small plate if that’s possible, and aim for reasonably sized servings. Eat slowly, don’t ask for seconds, and enjoy your meal. 

6. Don’t drink your calories

With the parties during the holidays, there are often alcoholic beverages, plus there’s eggnog and special flavors of coffee and hot chocolate. Such indulgences can be fun, but it’s too easy to consume far more calories and sugar than you realize. Make sure you’re consuming plenty of water to help limit your liquid calorie intake. 

7. Limit your sweet treats

Cookies, fruitcake, pies, oh my! So many holiday treats are sweet, and it can be easy to go overboard. Give yourself permission to enjoy one sweet per day, and take the time to enjoy it fully! 

8. Plan ahead

For each event you attend, plan ahead. Think about what kind of food will be served and decide ahead of time how much you’re going to eat. Then—the hard part—stick to your plan. 

9. “No, thank you”

Remember, you don’t have to “clean your plate,” and it’s not rude to stop eating when you’re full. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and stop when you’re ready. 

If you have questions about how to avoid weight gain or you’d like to learn more about our medical weight loss management, schedule an appointment at Macomb Medical Clinic today. 

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