Resolve to Get Healthy the Right Way with a Medical Weight Loss Program

Was your New Year’s Resolution to lose weight? With almost 40 million obese people living in the United States, it’s clear that losing weight is difficult for many people. If you’re struggling to lose weight, Dr. Arthur Lieberman and our team at Macomb Medical Clinic can help you meet your weight loss goals. Today, we’d like to show how a medical weight loss program can help you by answering some commonly asked questions.

Do I need to lose weight?

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with a high BMI (body mass index), this can lead to health problems. Among them, diabetes is of particular concern. 2018 was the first year in decades that the number of new cases of diabetes declined from the previous year. Still, over 90% of the new diagnoses were in overweight individuals. 

Diabetes isn’t the only concern with significant extra weight. Being overweight puts unnecessary stress on your joints, your heart, and can complicate things like shopping for clothing and events with family and friends. We also live in an age where ideal body types are glorified in our media, which can cause emotional and psychological damage to people living with extra weight or who are obese. 

Why do I need a weight loss program?

Choosing a custom weight loss program means that you have a solution catered to you and your needs. While the internet is packed with well-meaning people with the occasional helpful tip, a medically-trained partner like Dr. Lieberman helps you stay on track and accountable. From your first consultation to your final results, our team at Macomb Medical Clinic invests in your weight-loss success. 


To help you, we employ a combination of medicinal and natural treatments, along with blood tests and check-ins. Dr. Lieberman also provides guidance on exercise and stress management, two important factors in your personal weight loss journey. Without support, turning your weight loss goal from a journey to a habit can be very difficult. 

How quickly will I get to a healthy weight? 

The answer to this question is different for everyone. Some see results within one week; others may have success after a couple of months. As your body adjusts, you will start to see changes, but it’s important not to feel like you’re finished when you do begin to see results. You still have a goal to reach, and we will help you reach it. 

Remember that lifelong health is a lifelong commitment. When you’ve completed your program, you’ll have the tools you need to stay healthy. It is possible that you may gain some of the weight back, but this is more likely to happen if you deviate from your healthy living plan.

How do I get started? 

Starting a weight loss program may stir up emotions that you didn’t expect. It can be difficult for you to accept that changing your habits is necessary to save your life. That’s okay. When you’re ready to change your life for the better, call us to schedule an appointment or use our online scheduling tool.

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